Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Georgia Personal Injury Case

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Ashby Thelen Lowry are dedicated to helping our Georgia clients avoid common mistakes in their claims because we understand that these errors can significantly impact the outcome

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How Atlanta’s Traffic Congestion Increases the Risk of Rear-End Collisions

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Atlanta personal injury attorneys know over half a million people call this city home. In addition, 2.4 people commute to Atlanta each day for work. The combination of

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How Georgia’s Distracted Driving Laws Affect Personal Injury Claims

Like most states, Georgia has laws in place to reduce traffic collisions, injuries, and fatalities caused by distracted driving. By understanding and adhering to these regulations, drivers can help keep themselves

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How Georgia’s Traffic Patterns Influence Vehicle Collision Claims

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Ashby Thelen Lowry know that Georgia’s traffic patterns vary widely due to the state’s diverse geography, mix of urban and rural areas, and position as a

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How to Handle Personal Injury Cases Involving Atlanta’s Colleges and Universities

According to Discover Atlanta, 57 colleges and universities are in the Atlanta region. The city is 7th in student enrollment among America’s largest urban areas and 6th in annual college graduates

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Legal Challenges in Filing Claims Against Large Corporations in Georgia

According to the Georgia Department of Economic Development, 18 Fortune® 500 headquarters and 35 of the country’s top 1000 call the state home. Like other local companies and institutions, large corporations

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The Impact of Georgia’s Statute of Limitations on Your Personal Injury Claim

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Atlanta personal injury attorneys know that Georgia’s statute of limitations plays a critical role in personal injury claims. It sets a strict deadline for filing a lawsuit.

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Top Causes of Pedestrian Crashes in Downtown Atlanta and Legal Recourse

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Ashby Thelen Lowry know that, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation, last year, 342 people were killed in pedestrian collisions throughout the state. This is a significant

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Understanding Atlanta’s Hit-and-Run Laws and Legal Options for Victims

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Ashby Thelen Lowry know Georgia’s hit-and-run laws are strict and impose severe penalties on drivers who flee the scene of a crash without fulfilling their legal

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Understanding the Process of Settlement Negotiations in Georgia Personal Injury Cases

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Atlanta personal injury attorneys know settlement negotiations in Georgia personal injury cases are critical in resolving a claim without trial. These negotiations aim to reach a fair agreement

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