About Erik

  • Direct: (404) 777-7779
  • Email: erik@atllaw.com

Since 2005, Erik has practiced law and assisted numerous clients in litigation and non-litigation matters. Dating back to his high school years, he has pursued a career in law to make a difference concerning principles that he is passionate about. Erik enjoys being able to work on different facets of the law, ranging from the detail-oriented day-to-day and strategic work related to particular cases to the type of academic and public policy work that helps to influence the law for everyone.

In terms of litigation, Erik has written or co-authored many briefs and motions filed with the Supreme Court of the United States and other federal and state appellate and trial courts. Additionally, he has presented arguments before the Supreme Court of Maryland, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and various trial courts. Perhaps more importantly, however, is Erik’s experience reviewing and analyzing documents produced in discovery, as that is often the type of work that shapes the course of litigation.

On the academic side of the law, Erik has written or co-authored articles that have been published in the Stanford Law and Policy Review, the Emory Law Journal, the Charleston Law Review, the American University Law Review, and the Regent University Law Review. His educational history includes finishing second in his high school class, finishing first in his undergraduate class at Niagara University (majoring in Political Science), and finishing third in his class at Regent University School of Law, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the law review.

On a personal note, Erik is a superfan of his favorite sports teams, and has enjoyed coaching both youth and adult sports teams.

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