When Should I Get an Attorney Involved in My Vehicle Collision Claim?

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia personal injury attorneys know that no one expects to get hurt in a car crash. Unfortunately, traffic collisions happen every day. When they do, most people’s

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What to Do If You Are Injured as a Passenger in a Georgia Rideshare Crash

Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies have transformed how we think about transportation, and their services are in high demand. Whether you booked a ride for a night out with

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What To Do If You Are Hit by A Vehicle While on Your Bike in Georgia

If you are hit by a vehicle while riding your bike in Georgia, taking immediate steps to ensure your safety, gather information, and protect your rights is essential. Here, our

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What Happens If I Can’t Recall How My Vehicle Collisions Occurred?

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia vehicle collision and injury attorneys know that getting hurt in a crash can disorient anyone. There are few times when injury victims see a crash coming.

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The Dangers of Drowsy Driving on Georgia’s Busy Roads

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia vehicle collision attorneys know drowsy driving poses significant dangers on Georgia’s busy roads, as on roads across the country. The risks associated with drowsy driving are

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How is Fault Determined in a Georgia Vehicle Collision?

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia vehicle collision attorneys know fault in any crash is typically determined based on negligence. Negligence refers to failing to exercise reasonable care and harming others. Here,

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Complex Motorcycle Collision Cases Require Experienced Legal Representation

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia motorcycle crash attorneys know these complex cases often involve intricate legal, medical, and technical aspects that require a high level of experience to navigate successfully. Here,

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Can a Semi-Truck’s “Black Box” Determine Liability in a Crash

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia commercial vehicle collision attorneys know semi-trucks and tractor-trailers are required to carry event data recorders (EDR), often called a “black box.” The purpose of the EDR

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Five Most Overlooked Head Injury Symptoms

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia personal injury attorneys understand that different head injuries have unpredictable symptoms, and the severity can vary widely. While some head injuries can lead to the loss

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Why the Insurance Company Will Tell You Not to Hire a Georgia Personal Injury Attorney

At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia personal injury attorneys know insurance companies are very much against the idea of injured parties — including policyholders who may be pursuing their own coverage and

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